الاثنين، 15 أبريل 2013

Production of microbial polysaccharides for use in food

Production of microbial polysaccharides for use in food 
are patents (especially in Japan) related to the use of Ganoderma, Agaricus

and other mushroom glucans in edible fi  lm coatings and water-soluble
capsules, for example inclusion of pickling liquids in soups and sauces
(Laroche and Michaud, 2007) and a great potential exists for future food
16.2.3 Yeast polysaccharides
Although most microbial polysaccharides derive from fungi and bacteria,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae , probably the most common food grade yeast in
fermented food and drinks, is known for the production of a food-related
glycan which is extracted from yeast cells walls. Cell wall polysaccharides
are usually insoluble in water, but their solubility and properties can readily
be altered by chemical or enzymatic derivatization and facilitate their use
in foods or pharmaceuticals. BYG is the general term for commercialized
brewer’s yeast glucan’ (or more precisely glycan), which may also contain
non-carbohydrate moieties, produced from  S. cerevisiae. BYG is effi cient in
improving the physical properties of foods as a thickening and water-hold-ing agent, or as a fat replacer giving a rich mouthfeel, and it also enhances
gel strength in solutions, when used alone or in combination with other food
grade polymers, such as carrageenan (Reed and Nagodawithana, 1991; Xu
et al., 2009). Firm gels of BYG can be formed after heating and subsequent
cooling of solutions above 5–10% concentration. The glycan also has emul-sifying properties and is reported to improve the organoleptic characteris-tics of the foods where it is added (Sandford, 1982). Thammakiti  et al.  (2004)
studied the production of such a  β-glucan with a  β-(1,3)-glucose backbone
chain and a minor branch (about 3%) of  β-(1,6)-glucose with an additional
4.5–6.5% protein content from spent brewer’s yeast after alkali extraction
from homogenized cell walls, which had potential applications in food as
an emulsion stabilizing agent, as it exhibited high viscosity and water
holding and oil binding capacities.
Baker’s yeast glycan is a similar product composed of  d-glucose and
d-mannose in 3  :  2 ratio and used mainly as stabilizer/emulsifi  er in dressings
and desserts (Robbins and Seeley, 1977, 1978; Sandford, 1982). The same
yeast has also been studied and utilized for the production of therapeutic
glucans (Williams  et al., 1992). The wild type strain of  S. cerevisiae excretes
an extracellular β-(1,3)- d-glucan with a degree of branching (DB) of 0.2,
and a genetically modifi ed strain produces PGG (also known as Betafectin),
a commercial bioactive (1,6)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,3)- β-d-glucopyranose
glucan with DB of 0.5 which has several pharmaceutical properties (Jamas
et al., 1991; Wakshull  et al., 1999; Kim et al., 2006). In addition,  S. cerevisiae
is the industrial producer of zymosan, a complex immunoactive and anti-infl amatory glycan (proteoglucan) comprising a cell wall  β-glucan with long
(1,3)- and (1,6)-glucosyl groups, in conjunction with mannan, protein and
nucleic acid (Ohno et al., 2001; Goodridge  et al., 2009). These health
 إنتاج السكريات الميكروبية للاستخدام في الطعام
هي براءات الاختراع (وخاصة في اليابان) المتعلقة استخدام غانوديرما، أجاريكوس
وجلوكان الفطر الصالحة للأكل الأخرى في الطلاء LM فاي وللذوبان في الماء،كبسولات، على سبيل المثال إدراج تخليل السوائل في الحساء والصلصات(لاروش وميشو، 2007) وجود إمكانية كبيرة للأغذية المستقبلالتطبيقات.السكريات الخميرة 16.2.3على الرغم من أن معظم الجراثيم السكريات المستمدة من الفطريات والبكتيريا،الخباز خميرة، وربما كان الغذاء الصف الخميرة الأكثر شيوعا فيومن المعروف الأغذية والمشروبات المخمرة، لإنتاج الغذاء ذات صلةيتم استخراج غليكان التي من جدران خلايا الخميرة. السكريات جدار الخليةوعادة ما تكون غير قابلة للذوبان في الماء، ولكن ذوبان وممتلكاتهم يمكن بسهولةيمكن تغييرها حسب المادة الكيميائية أو الإنزيمية الاشتقاق وتيسير استخدامهافي الأطعمة أو الأدوية. BYG هو مصطلح عام لأغراض تجارية'غلوكان الخميرة' (أو أكثر غليكان بالضبط)، والتي قد تحتوي أيضا علىغير الأنصاف الكربوهيدرات، المنتجة من خميرة S.. BYG هو ايفي آاف فيتحسين الخواص الفيزيائية للأغذية وسماكة وكيل المياه الانتظار جي، أو على شكل بديل الدهون إعطاء المذاق الغني، وكما أنه يعزز

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